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The Winnipeg Baroque Festival heads into its final weekend and there is no shortage of events happening: solo recitals, grand choral birthday bashes, HIP instrumentalists – a busy musical offering coming up over the next three days.  



Thankfully, to keep audiences entertained and energized, Saturday morning begins with Cantatas, Cambers, Claviers & Coffee. 

Bach’s playful and caffeinated “Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht” (Be still, stop chattering) – better known as the Coffee Cantata – will be performed by soloists and the Canadian Mennonite University Festival Players.  

Fittingly, refreshments (including coffee!) will be provided to attendees in CMU’s Great Hall in the North Campus Saturday morning.  

The concert also features solo offerings by two students in CMU’s Faculty of Music. 

Beginning at 11 a.m., tickets are $35 -- with admittance included to those who purchased a festival ticket package. 

For tickets at more details, visit: www.winnipegbaroquefestival.com  
