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Coming up this Sunday May 5th at 7:00pm at St. Andrews River Heights United Church The Manitoba Registered Music Techers Association is hosting their annual Serata concert.

Advertised as An Evening of Musical Delights the concert will feature some of the MRMTA’s very talented teachers in performances ranging from solo to ensemble works.

This is a fundraising concert whose aim is to give MRMTA teachers professional development opportunities and also give them the opportunity to take part in the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers Association conference that happens in Montreal in July of 2025.

Professional Development is s a crucial part of maintaining a thriving studio for music teachers, this in turn helps students grow as musicians and players. Tiffany Wilson is the chairperson for the Serata concert, as she points out, “Pedagogy is constantly changing, terminology…that kind of thing, so it’s really important for music teachers to keep in the “in” of what’s happening.”

The Serata concert itself is very popular for students and their families. Wilson jokes, “It’s a chance for students to get out to spy on their teachers and see if they are practicing.” She continues, “It’s also a nice chance for teachers to continue their practicing and motivate them to get up on that stage, and I think that is something audiences also enjoy.”

There are eight teachers who have decided to perform in this year’s Serata concert. The performances will feature music of Bach, Rachmaninov amongst others, and will showcase instruments such as piano, violin, and organ.

Outside of the performances, there will also be presentations of scholarships to students who have won awards. A silent auction will be up for bidding, all in the hopes of supporting members of the MRMTA.

One of the highlights of the auction is that there will be a painting by Manitoba pianist and painter Shirley Elias that will be open for bidding. That auction will actually start at this Serata concert and  run the entire year with the idea being that the painting will be given away at next year’s Serata concert to the highest bidder.

The MRMTA is a crucial part of Manitoba’s music education landscape, and the Serata concert on Sunday May 5th at 7:00pm at St. Andrews River Heights United Church is sure to be excellent. The monies raised at this concert will serve as the fuel for the next generation of music students here in the province.

For more details on the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association Serata concert visit their website.
