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An idyllic, riverside setting will play host to “A Late Summer Night’s Dream.”  

Two beloved Winnipeg musicians, soprano Christina Thanisch-Smith and pianist Lisa Rumpel, perform together in an intimate house concert presented by the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg in partnership with Flipside Opera and Art Song Collective.  

“It was a really nice marriage for us to work together,” says Flipside’s General Manager Lisa Rumpel about the partnership between the organizations.  



Both founded and led by women, the volunteer-run arts organizations share plenty of similarities despite their age gap – the WMC recently turned 130 whereas Flipside is in its mid-teenage years.  

“(The WMC) are the masters of hospitality,” says Rumpel, noting that there is plenty for Flipside to learn from the experienced group.  

Soprano Christina Thanisch-Smith has performed with both groups before – most recently as a WMC McLellan Competition second place finisher – and returns to Winnipeg after recent stints at the Brott Music Festival and Toronto Summer Music.  

“Love being back with the Women’s Musical Club always,” says Thanisch-Smith, who returns to Calgary Opera as a second-year McPhee Artist. 

Having first worked with Rumpel as an undergraduate at the Desautels Faculty of Music nearly a decade ago, the opportunity to perform together again is welcomed by the up-and-coming soprano.  

“Lisa knows what I'm going to do before I do it more than I do sometimes,” says Thanisch-Smith.  

The pair will perform repertoire by Amy Beach, Hugo Wolf, Samuel Barber and Fernando Obradors – the latter marking Thanisch-Smith's first foray into Spanish.   

Taking place in south Winnipeg, the concert features wine and refreshments with admission by donation. Limited seating is available.  

To RSVP, visit: www.wmcwpg.ca  
