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Innovative Journeys: GroundSwell explores the Canadian musical soundscape with their 2024-25 Season 

This summer is almost over, and things are beginning to rev up again for the fall. Students and teachers will be heading back to school, people will soon be closing their cottages for the season, and the days of soaking up the sun will soon be over. 

Thankfully, one of the fantastic things that the beginning of the fall season means is that the concert season will be kicking into high gear, and for us in Winnipeg one of the city’s most vital musical institutions will be kicking off its 2024-25 season on September 15th. 

Winnipeg’s Groundswell starts out the season with a concert called Sustenance. This is the first of four terrific concerts that GroundSwell will be presenting as part of their 2024-25 offerings. 

The live concerts are just one part of a trilogy of seasonal elements that GroundSwell offers. There are also linked and learn portions to the season. The three components all combine to present and educate audiences with the best in contemporary music. 

This upcoming season has been in the planning stages for the last couple of years and promises to bring a varied and captivating line up of contemporary music to audiences. 

The composers for this season represent truly diverse backgrounds and highlight the eclectic musical sounds that can be heard across Canada.  

Compositions by the indigenous composer Melody McKiver will be heard, as well as music by Cree-Mennonite composer Cris Derksen. Music from the north will be represented by way of songs written by the Inuk throat singer and composer Tanya Tagaq. There will also be some Inuit throat songs sung by the amazing Winipeg based throat singer Nikki Komaksiutiksak and her daughters.  

University of Manitoba Desautels Faculty of Music composers, Gordon Fitzell, Örjan Sandred (who is originally from Sweden) will have compositions premiered. Candian contemporary music icons such as Jim Hiscott, David Braid and Diana McIntosh will be represented, as well as compositions by the Armenian-Canadian pianist and composer Serouj Kradjian. 

All these composers and their music are sure to make for a phenomenal 2024-25 GroundSwell season. The variety of influences that help shape the sound world of each individual composer is sure to be feast for the ears and eyes for all audience members. 

The four live concerts are just one of three components to the GSwell season. There is also a linked portion. People can go to GroundSwell’s website and see past concerts, as well as see interviews with composers and curators for the concerts.  

Education is also a large part of GroundSwell’s mandate. One of the successful events that happened last year was that High School Students could compose a piece for the season. Groundswell promises more of that same initiative this year. They are also offering sound walks that are hosted by instrumentalist, clinician, and community music facilitator Dr. Suzu Enns. 

There is truly an abundance of amazing and engaging musical sounds and resources that GSwell has on offer for all those who want to push the boundaries and by swept away by these highly creative voices and their music. This 2024-25 GroundSwell season is sure to be amazing! 

For more details on  GroundSwell’s outstanding upcoming 20-24-25 season click here 



