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Chestermere Mayor Shannon Dean. (File Photo)

Chestermere City Council recently approved a new policy that lets members of the public have their voices heard during decision-making processes.

According to a release from the City of Chestermere, the goal of the Public Input Policy is to facilitate constructive and respectful dialogue between members of council and the public on key decisions impacting the city.

City staff said people will be allowed to make comments during the public input section of both council meetings and Governance & Priorities Committee Meetings either in person or via a written submission.

Residents also have to register on the sign-in sheet before each meeting starts.

The release also stated that comments and questions made at council meetings have to be about items within the current agenda but can't be about an item that could be heard in a Public Hearing.

People only have five minutes to speak and can't use personal attacks and statements. Members can only talk once to an item on the agenda per meeting.

Written comments have to include a name, address, and a comment.

City officials say written submissions have to be sent in by noon the Monday before a meeting of council.

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