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Town councillor Marni Fedeyko says it's not a hill she will die on but wants her appointment as deputy mayor from June 26 to Oct. 20, 2025, to stand. (file photo)

Town council will be deciding by the end of the year as to whether Councillor Marn Fedeyko's appointment as deputy mayor from June 26 to Oct. 20, 2025, will stand.

She was appointed to serve the three-month term at council's Oct. 28 council meeting. Town administration says it was done in error and has recommended her appointment be rescinded because of sanctions placed on her on May 31, 2024.

Those measures included forbidding her to be deputy mayor for the balance of the term. 

"Not that I'm on a hill to die on to be deputy mayor, but I've never been deputy mayor in this complete term. I passed off once, I've passed off twice, and now I'm being removed for the next time," said Fedeyko.

The two previous times she declined the position by her own choice but says she was never awarded an opportunity to come back into the rotation.

Sanctions imposed on Fedeyko also forbid her from representing council on standing committtees until the end of 2024. That appears to open the door for her serve on some of them starting in January.

An information package is being put together for council's review. As well, it will be reviewing committee appointments made at its recent organizational meeting. 

Council rescinded the motion to appoint Susan Flowers as an alternate to the library board after being informed there is no seat assigned to town council on the board.

All board members are responsible to act in the best interest of the library and the community it serves, regardless of any other roles or positions they may hold.

Mayor Jeff Genung voiced frustration over the limited response he received from councillors in advance of the organizational meeting. He says he sent out an email seeking their preferred role but only about half of them responded.

The seating assignments in the council chambers also remain the same as last year and may be rotated.
