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Since 1989 the Manitoba Band Association (MBA) has been offering a truly unique learning experience for band students throughout Winnipeg. The MBA’s summer band camps offer students an opportunity to hone their musicianship and skills on their selected instrument, while at the same time making music with others, and creating new friendships with other band students from across the city.

These summer band camps are truly special to Manitoba, and are a testament to the vibrant and strong band community we have here in the Province.

For MBA Director Chelsey Hiebert, the prospect of having band camp back after COVID is thrilling; “After being in this job for two years, just sitting alone at this computer…the idea of filling August with music across Manitoba is just so unbelievably exciting!”

The MBA holds six camps throughout the summer, which are held in August.

  • 2022 Prairie Percussion Workshop
    • Winnipeg - University of Manitoba,Desautels Faculty of Music -August 2-5
  • 2022 Band Camps:
    •  Winnipeg – Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute - August 7-12
    • Winnipeg – Vincent Massey Collegiate - August 15-19
    •  Oakbank – Springfield Middle School - August 22-26
    • Winnipeg – Garden City Collegiate & SOPAC - August 22-26
    •  Winnipeg - Sturgeon Heights Collegiate - August 22-26

The band camps are geared for those in Grades 6 to 10, and require one year of playing experience to attend.

Camps are designed to give students a balance of playing time and an opportunity to learn from seasoned professional performers who play the students specific instrument. There is also plenty of opportunity to socialize, and team build at camp as well. There are events such as games, sports and outdoor fun. As Fort Gary Summer Band Camp Coordinator Matt Abraham states, “There is all sorts of shenanigans that go on!”

Abraham is also the Band Director at Vincent Massey Collegiate, and the benefit to both student and teacher are innumerable. “It’s incredible... they’ve shaken off the cobwebs and gotten a little bit of the dust and rust out during band camp. They are inspired, they are ready to go, they are rip-roaring…and because they are appending so much time with specialists on their instrument, they are getting some specific knowledge… when you spend a whole week with someone who plays your instrument… the students come back playing in a whole different and better ballpark,” states Abraham.

The cost of the camps is kept low to allow for as many band students who want to attend as possible. The cost is $220.00 for the week, but there are a number of bursaries that have been generously provided by the Winnipeg Foundation, that can allow students to attend camp for a nominal fee. Numerous $200.00 bursaries are available and can be applied for through the MBA’s website.

These MBA’s summer band camps are truly exceptional and a great way for students to improve their knowledge and skill on their instrument, while at the same time having fun making music, and enjoying the summer.
