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The Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association — also known by the acronym MRMTA — promotes high standards of music education across the province and provides leadership and support to its members. 



Recently, Brandon-based music teacher Ann Germani was named new president of the provincial executive, after years serving on her local Brandon and Westman branch. 

“My involvement personally as a music teacher has gone hand-in-hand with my involvement with the MRMTA,” says Germani, who has operated a music studio teaching piano and harp for about two decades in Manitoba’s second largest city. 

The support, friendship and congeniality found through the MRMTA have been some of the most rewarding aspects of membership, according to Germani. 

“Teachers talking to one another, supporting ideas and trying out new events and ideas with students,” says Germani. “That’s what it really comes down to, what can we offer our students because that’s obviously why we’re teaching.”   

After years of online lessons and changing regulations, no doubt putting a strain on teachers, students and their families, the MRMTA is looking forward to the resumption of more live music. 

“We’re anticipating — and getting really excited about — going back into more in-person events,” says Germani, though the association will continue to offer a hybrid of live and online events and masterclasses.  

“Because we’ve had this opportunity to do things via Zoom and online and finding some incredible opportunities to reach out and make connections, we will continue with some of those as well.” 

For parents or guardians who may be looking to enrol their child in lessons, the MRMTA provides an online directory with over 150 registered teachers across the province, opening the door to local, provincial and national scholarship and performance opportunities, in addition to top-notch instruction. 

Looking to the future, Germani hopes to continue to build a dynamic and engaged community of music educators who help to foster the talents of musicians. 

“What are you doing? What can we do? What can we do better? And what do our students and community want of us as well,” says Germani. “Provide that sort of programming and that sort of support.” 

Learn more about the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association by visiting their website: www.mrmta.org 
