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Scott Yoo is a musical dynamo: conductor, violinist, chamber musician, soloist, TV host, artistic director... he wears many musical hats.  

Perhaps donning a toque for the chillier weather north of the border, Yoo returns to Winnipeg, joined by another exceptional musician – flute player Alice Dade – not only a frequent collaborator, but, as well, his musical and life partner. 

The married pair will certainly bring a musical synergy to the Crescent Arts Centre stage when they collaborate with the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra on Wednesday, November 9.  




“I’ve been coming to Winnipeg since 2004,” says Yoo, and has had a fruitful partnership with the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra. Building a strong rapport with the organization, musicians, and the audience, this concert presents a special opportunity for his wife to “put a name with a face” -- making her Canadian debut.  

“I’ve always wanted to go to Canada,” says an enthusiastic Dade, who is, in fact, part Canadian.  

The award-winning flutist, who also works as an associate professor at the University of Missouri, will premiere a concerto by American composer Michael Fine in Wednesday’s program. Audiences will also be treated to her playing in the prominent flute part in Bach’s Orchestral Suite no. 2 in B minor.  

Rounding out the program is Béla Bartók Music for Strings, Percussion & Celesta

The Alice Dade and Scott Yoo Manitoba Chamber Orchestra concert takes place at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 12 at Crescent Arts Centre Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, 525 Wardlaw Avenue. 

Visit: www.themco.ca for tickets and more details!  
