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Spring is officially here, and as we are all shaking off the cabin fever, it is time to get outside and enjoy the simple pleasures in life such as sunshine, the sound of birds returning from the south, and the first buds of spring.

One of the many simple pleasures that several of us enjoy, is a great piece of art around the home, especially as spring cleaning and nesting for summer are things that many of us do around this time of year.

One Of Winnipeg’s most eclectic and thought-provoking artists, is Jordan van Sewell. For those unfamiliar with Van Sewell’s art, his primary medium is ceramics. His ceramic sculptures have been described as whimsical, revealing and profound. His works frequently offer his own view of the world around him, often with hilarious and thoughtful commentary. Many of his pieces can been found in some of the most prestigious art collections throughout North America.

Van Sewell had what is quite possibly one of the longest pop-up galleries on record. For four years The Jordan van Sewell Gallery was a fixture on the second floor of the Forks Market. Up until just before Christmas of 2022, van Sewell could be found creating and selling in his gallery. Van Sewell looks at his time at the Forks very fondly, “That was a wonderful four years being the steward of that space at the Forks…it was really an adventure that I am glad I was able to be allowed to do. The Forks was very accommodating, and it was nice to meet a new audience…and it gave me cause to get up in the morning and go to the office,” says Van Sewell.

For now, Van Sewell has returned to his home office/studio, he has been busy creating and completing commissions. He has several commissions in the works, from people who have seen Van Sewell distinct style of sculpture in friend’s homes and out in public, and wanted to have a piece from him that they can call their own.  Jordan believes in the importance of letting the artist do his job and be confident that they will create something that the commissioner has dreamt of and will get enjoyment from. As Jordan states, “It’s a position of responsibility, because you’re making something that is there forever.”

There are two big projects that are in the works for Van Sewell, the first of which is that he will be opening a pop-up show of his works at the Pulse Gallery. This is a show that will open in May. The show will be presented in conjunction with a documentary that is being made about Van Sewell.

Winnipeg film maker Nicholas Treeshin, from Black Watch Entertainment, is creating a documentary about the day in the life of an artist, using Van Sewell as the subject matter.  The documentary will be shown at the opening at Pulse Gallery on the 13th of May. “It’s nice to meet someone who has the like mindedness as myself; and the fact that Nicholas spent time in Saskatchewan…maybe he has that Saskatchewan sensibility. Treeshin has put together an idea which will essentially follow me around and ask all those hard questions. Being a lowly artist, I just try to come up with those profound lines that look good on film, and then I leave the rest up the powers that be,” says Van Sewell chuckling.

Despite the fact that the shop at the Forks closed down, Van Sewell is clearly very busy. For those who want more information on his art, and perhaps want to order a commission, visit Jordan Van Sewell’s website.
