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For more than 100 years the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association (MRMTA) has been providing top quality music instruction to music students throughout the Province. Made up of highly qualified and passionate teachers, the MRMTA has been a beacon of what quality music education means.

This Sunday, May 7th at 7:00pm at St. Andres River Heights Church, these passionate teachers will be sharing their performing gits with audiences in their annual concert called Serata-An Evening of Musical Delights. This is a fundraising concert, with all of the funds raised going to help and support professional development for teachers and future Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Association conferences to be held here in Manitoba.

Started in 2016 the “Serata” concert was originally created to help provide funds for the MRMTA to host the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ conference which was held here in Manitoba in 2019. Since then, the concert has been a yearly highlight for many MRMTA teachers. As chairperson for the Serata concert Tiffany Wilson says, “It’s been a great success…teachers love this event. As soon as we came out of COVID and had our concert last year…so many people came out…it was just a really exciting event to be a part of!”

The concert funds go towards supporting Manitoba music teachers in future conferences held by the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations. The money is also used for professional development opportunities for teachers. As Wilson states, “This is a professional organization. This is an opportunity to work with experts across our country and take advantage of those possibilities.” These opportunities give teachers a way of networking and bouncing ideas of each other, and taking what they have learned and apply it to their own private teaching studios; the end result being, a better lesson, and more successful students.

Outside of the performances, there will also be presentations of scholarships to students who have won awards. A silent auction will be up for bidding, all in the hopes of supporting members of the MRMTA.

The concert this Sunday, May 7th at 7:00pm at St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church is going to be a real celebration of music education here in the Province, and is sure to feature stellar performances by all performing teachers of the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association.
