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For more than 50 years, Winnipeg-based artist Jordan van Sewell has been creating sculptures that reflect the world around him as seen through his own quirky, thought-provoking and, often, humorous lens.  

His sculptures have been sold around the world and can be seen in some of the most prestigious galleries and private collections.  

On Saturday, May 13, the Pulse Gallery in the Johnston Terminal at the Forks, unveils the latest collection from this artistic icon.  

“Still Hammering It Out” is a new ceramic show featuring the works of Jordan Van Sewell, who is still hard at work on his craft, contrary to what some were thinking since his gallery closure. 

“People were saying to me ‘You shut down your gallery? What’s going on? Are you done?’” says Van Sewell, who would respond with the old expression “No, still hammering it out.”  
“I think encapsulates every artist’s work. You just stay at it.”  

Expected to run through the summer months, the show covers an array of subject matter, filled with whimsy and wit.   

“I’ve created some pieces reflecting these troubled times we live in,” says Van Sewell. “I’ve tried to make it tongue-and-cheek, I’ve tried to have people look at the subject and extrapolate their own conclusions from it.”  

Ultimately, the pieces encourage us to progress forward.  

“We’re still pushing ahead, we’re still doing what we can, we’re still hammering it out.”  


van sewell show may 2023
