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The Manitoba Chamber Orchestra wraps up their 50th anniversary season with a concert-staging of Handel’s opera Alcina. MCO Music Director Anne Manson in collaboration with Geneviève Pelletier, artistic and executive director of Théâtre Cercle Molière, transport audiences to an enchanted isle where the sorceress Alcina has spellbound the knight Ruggiero. 



The Medieval tale, of sorts, features some glorious music sung by an outstanding crop of world-class soloists including: Andriana Chuchman in the title role, Tracy Dahl as her sister Morgana, Rose Nagar-Tremblay as Bradamante, Nolan Kehler as Oronte, and Lizzy Hoyt singing the role of Ruggiero.    

Though it wasn’t until a week before the performance that Hoyt learned she would be performing.  

“I was on holiday in Europe... and I got a call from Anne (Manson) saying ‘we need someone to fill in,’” says Hoyt.  

Turns out, it wasn’t anything she couldn’t... “Handel.” (writer’s note: sorry.)  

It was with the music of Handel that Hoyt made her MCO debut last concert season and she was keen to perform more of “one of (her) favourite composer’s” music with the ensemble. 

“He writes exceptionally well for the voice,” says Hoyt. “I think Handel does a wonderful job of capturing specific emotions for characters through the harmony and gestures that he writes.”  

Remarkably, this production marks a first in the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra’s half-century of music-making: a (semi-)staging of an opera.  

MCO Music Director Anne Manson brings plenty of experience in conducting opera, which is very much felt by the singers on stage.  

“She does such a great job of collaborating with the singer,” says Hoyt. “I hope that this ends up being something that they maybe do on a semi-regular basis.”  

The Manitoba Chamber Orchestra presents a second staging of Alcina, Saturday, June 17 at the Crescent Arts Centre/Crescent Fort Rouge United Church, beginning at 7:30 p.m.  

Tickets available through the website (www.themco.ca) or by calling the box office at: 204-783-7377. Generously, the organization is offering 50 percent off tickets using the code: 50%  

“We hear Messiah but the Handel operas are not done very often,” notes Hoyt. “This really is a unique chance to come and hear that.”  
