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(Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra website - photo by Keith Levit)

The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra launches their 2023/24 season by welcoming back renowned violinist Vadim Gluzman to the Centennial Concert Hall stage to perform music of Max Bruch. Plus, writing of Bloch, Smetana, and Dvorak – all played by the marvelous musicians of the WSO, led by maestro Daniel Raiskin.  


“I can’t wait,” says the music director of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in studio, looking at his watch and noting it was less than two hours before his first rehearsal with the musicians. “It’s going to be a wonderful season.” 

Raiskin, who was unable to join Gluzman for his Winnipeg debut in March 2022, is thrilled to be making music alongside his good friend.   

Together, the pair have performed Max Bruch’s beloved Violin Concert no. 1 before, though this will mark their first collaboration with the WSO. 

“Being able to share a stage regularly with an incredible artist, a great violinist, instrumentalist, but also a really dear friend you can turn to in difficult times or in joy, in sharing it, is really a gift,” says Raiskin. 

For the maestro, set to begin his sixth season with the organization, there are plenty of personal connections found in the season opener’s program. He has worked extensively with Czech and Slovak orchestras, bringing a wealth of knowledge to the WSO musicians in preparing music of Smetana and Dvorak. He’s previously conducted the orchestra which premiered the aforementioned violin concerto, and has been a champion of Ernest Bloch and his music.  

The Thursday night concert begins at 7:30 p.m. on September 14.  

For tickets and more details, visit: www.wso.ca
