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(Photo: Frédérik Robitaille)

Virtuosi Concerts opens their 2023/24 season by welcoming the charismatic and compelling Canadian cellist Stéphane Tétreault, joined in concert by pianist Sandra Murray.  


In partnership with Prairie Debut, “The Voice of the Cello” explores the rich capabilities of the beloved instrument and the expressive, articulate delivery that has become a hallmark of Tetrault’s playing.  

“It definitely lets the cello sing,” says Tétreault when asked about the makeup of the program. “It lets the cello touch the audience – I hope – and it lets the cello be very emotional and very expressive.”  

Opening with Bach's famous Prelude to First Cello Suite in G Major, the program continues with Romantic and late-Romantic French composers juxtaposed by Spanish and Spanish-inspired music of the same era. 

“(Following the Bach,) we jump into French music, namely some Fauré, which is just a quintessential romantic sound for the cello,” explains Tetrault. “In the second half, we go into Spanish repertoire which is very flamboyant, very enthusiastic, very passionate.”  

Tétreault with Murray at the piano endeavors to discover and share the heart and soul of the instrument’s sound, he says. 

“I think that the composers themselves had to find their own voice and their own voice through the cello,” explains Tétreault . 

Hear more about the program, the development and evolution of Tétreault's own musical voice, and the longstanding collaborative history of the two players by watching the full interview.  

Stéphane Tétreault with Sandra Murray performs at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October 13 at St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church. For tickets and more details, visit: www.virtuosiconcerts.ca  
