Statistics Canada releases newest field crop estimates

In 2023, Canadian farmers are projected to produce more corn for grain and soybeans, but less wheat, canola, barley, and oats, compared with 2022, according to recent yield model estimates using satellite imagery and agroclimatic data. Decreased production for most crops was driven by lower yields related to dry conditions in Western Canada.

Stats Canada releases stocks of principal field crops report

As of March 31, 2023, total stocks of wheat, canola, barley, oats and soybeans were all up compared with the same date in 2022.

In general, stocks of principal field crops increased compared with the same date one year earlier because of higher production, most notably in Western Canada, where improved growing conditions resulted in better yields.


Total wheat stocks were up 18.2% year over year to 13.3 million tonnes as of March 31, 2023. On-farm stocks rose 31.0% to 9.3 million tonnes, while commercial stocks decreased 4.1% to 3.9 million tonnes.

Big increase in 2022 crop production: StatCan Report

In 2022, Canadian farmers are projected to produce more wheat, canola, barley, oats, soybeans and corn for grain, according to recent yield model estimates using satellite imagery and agroclimatic data. Increased production was largely driven by better growing conditions in Western Canada.

In parts of the Prairies, higher-than-average precipitation and more moderate temperatures have resulted in better crop conditions than in 2021.

Canada's 2021 Census of Agriculture

Data from the Census of Agriculture indicate that trends identified in previous census cycles, such as industry consolidation and aging of farm operators, have continued in 2021. At the same time, the agriculture industry is adapting and modernizing, with higher rates of technology adoption, renewable energy production, use of direct marketing solutions, and sustainable farming practices.

Statistics Canada reports sharp drops in March 31 stocks report

Stocks of wheat, canola, barley, dry peas, oats and lentils were all down on March 31, 2022 compared with the same day a year earlier, a result largely attributable to lower opening supply. Conversely, stocks of corn for grain and soybeans rose.

Lower total supplies for most crops were the result of lower production in 2021. This contributed to a decrease in exports for most crops, despite strong global demand. Both domestic and international grain markets continue to face uncertainty because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and international tensions.

Statistics Canada reports sharp drops in March 31 stocks report

Stocks of wheat, canola, barley, dry peas, oats and lentils were all down on March 31, 2022 compared with the same day a year earlier, a result largely attributable to lower opening supply. Conversely, stocks of corn for grain and soybeans rose.

Lower total supplies for most crops were the result of lower production in 2021. This contributed to a decrease in exports for most crops, despite strong global demand. Both domestic and international grain markets continue to face uncertainty because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and international tensions.