Taxes potentially uncollected: Saskatchewan years behind on potash, oil audits

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources is years behind on auditing potash, oil and uranium companies, potentially leaving millions of dollars in royalties and taxes uncollected, says the provincial auditor. 

As of March 2021, there were 101 audits filed before 2020 that remained outstanding, Tara Clemett said in her most recent report this week. 

"Unless we go through these 101 audits, we won't know what's owed to us, or we owe them," she said in an interview.

Advocates call for a national Indigenous alert system as search for child continues

Stephanie Harpe lives one province away from where five-year-old Frank Young from the Red Earth Cree Nation disappeared three weeks ago, but as an Indigenous woman she feels it is her duty to help.

Harpe said Indigenous communities across Canada are often the ones leading the search for their missing.

They share photos and tips on social media, and raise awareness through Aboriginal Alert, a grassroots website that provides up-to-date information about missing Indigenous people.

Day 8 of search: Hope remains that missing Saskatchewan boy is still alive

The search for a five-year-old Saskatchewan boy, missing in the province's north for more than a week, is still being treated as a rescue mission.

Chief Fabian Head of the Red Earth Cree Nation, 300 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon, says the search will not stop until Frank Young is found.

"We won't give up hope," Head said at a news conference Tuesday. 

In recent days, the search has become more complex as annual spring runoff has made the Carrot River rise several metres, stalling search efforts by boat, he said.