Surviving human trafficking: How God saved Andi Buerger from 17 years of abuse

First victimized as an infant, Andi Buerger spent her first 17 years subjected to abuse and sex trafficking at the hands of her own family.

"Before there was even a term called human trafficking, I was trafficked by immediate and some extended family members, from the age of six months until I was 17 years old," said Buerger.

What is clergy sexual misconduct and how can we prevent it?

Clergy misconduct is not a new problem. It is, however, something that we have started to discuss more openly.

Val Hiebert is a program coordinator for abuse response and prevention with Mennonite Central Committee Manitoba. She is also a professor of sociology at Providence University College and Theological Seminary.

The method has changed, the message has not: Reaching younger generations through their phones

What are the limits on reaching the next generation? One Voice Student Missions ministry founder Brian Barcelona is pushing the bar on traditional evangelism and reaching Gen Z and younger through their phones.

"I mean what do most kids do in church now, they're on their phones," Brian explains. "I think if preachers and pastors continue to preach and not speak, it's like me going to China and I preach in English, how ineffective is that? We need to learn the language. Why do we not have that same expectation for generational barriers?"

From California nurse to founder of Kenyan hospice: How faith and courageous sacrifice intersect

When Juli Boit landed in Kenya for a short-term humanitarian mission 17 years ago, she has no idea this place would capture her heart and change everything about her life.

Boit, a 25-year-old nurse practitioner at the time, decided to make the move from Los Angeles to a small village in Kenya to be a part of an HIV program. 

Stand up, stand strong: A call to bold faith in a confused culture

For today's youth, finding information is easy. However, figuring out what is true and what's not can be challenging. 

Sara Barratt is an author and speaker. She is also editor-in-chief for, a growing online platform that reaches more than half a million Christian teens, parents, and youth workers each year.

What's Here Now?: How to stop rehashing the past, rehearsing the future and receiving the present

What keeps people from experiencing peace in their lives?  

Jeanne Stevens is the lead pastor of Soul City Church in Chicago, Illinois and author of What's Here Now?: How to Stop Rehashing the Past and Rehearsing the Future--and Start Receiving the Present.

Gripping documentary shares the story of a Holocaust survivor and a radicalized antisemite

This year has brought a dramatic rise in anti-Semitism’s prevalence and brutality. The nation’s largest pro-Israel organization – Christians United for Israel – brings to light this crisis in their new documentary Never Again?.

NEVER AGAIN? is a feature-length documentary about the horrors of anti-Semitism and the power of survival and redemption. Viewers will journey with a Holocaust survivor (Irving Roth) and a formerly radicalized anti-Semite (Kasim Hafeez) into the depths of darkness, shining a bright light on the world’s greatest genocide and the bigotry alive still today.