Cyclone Freddy on track to become longest running, 37,000 displaced

Cyclone Freddy has been playing a game of pinball between Mozambique, Madagascar, and Indonesia, zig-zagging across the Indian Ocean.

It’s on track to become the world’s longest-running tropical cyclone this weekend. The last record-holder was Typhoon John which churned through the Pacific Ocean for 30 days in 1994.

Bethlehem Bible College celebrates women in Arabic society

Today is International Women’s Day, and Bethlehem Bible College has been featuring women among their staff and students over the last few weeks with a campaign called “Celebrating the Lives of Ordinary Women.”

The reality is Palestinian women in Arabic culture are not often celebrated. In fact, women tend to be treated as second-class citizens.

Millennials give more frequently to missions than any generation: study

Which generation do you think gives most frequently to support Gospel missions? Boomers? Generation X? The answer is actually Millennials!

Mission India recently partnered with Barna Group on a report called The Great Disconnect. The report shares research on the American Church’s current views regarding missions.