GVSD makes decision on request to send Grade 7 & 8 Hochfeld students to Prairie Dale School

Starting next fall, Grade 7 and 8 students from Hochfeld School will attend Prairie Dale School in Schanzenfeld for their last two years of junior high. The Board of the Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) made the decision at its last regular meeting.

Park Street expansion and a major intersection improvement part of Winkler's new $22-million financial plan

Ratepayers in the City of Winkler can expect to pay more when they receive their tax bill in late spring. An operating budget of over $22-million was presented during Tuesday's council meeting, representing a 9 % increase from budget 2022.
City Manager Jody Penner says inflation is a big reason for the increase, with more dollars needing to be allocated in all areas.

Winkler learns '1 in 100' year downpour much more significant

Despite being impacted by a number of water events last year, the City of Winkler isn't watching the spring flood forecasts as closely as other municipalities across the Pembina and Red River basins. Mayor Henry Siemens says that's because of Winkler's well-planned and well-built dike infrastructure that moves the water around the city. 

GVSD proposes deficit budget to maintain programming

Senior Administration and the Board of Trustees of the Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) are projecting to run a deficit budget for the 2023/24 school year.
With the division's enrolment rebounding from several years of significant loss, some of the budgeted money will be earmarked for additional teachers, as well as bus drivers to support a higher enrolment. 

New plan for expansion announced for Winkler's CW Wiebe Medical Centre

The Winkler and District Health Care Board has announced new plans for expansion.

Last year at this time, the board announced its intentions to build additional space directly north of the existing clinic on the former Co-op gas bar property. When tenders came back on the project much too high to sustain, that plan was put on hold.
The board was then approached last summer by the AL Group of Companies to buy approximately 20,000 square feet of space in the ALG Professional Centre, on top of the 27,000 square feet the clinic already occupies in the building.

Mentorship teams enhancing transition to high school for new NPC students

This is the time of year Grade 8 students start bringing home high school information packages as well as begin to pick their course selections for Grade 9.
At Winkler's Northlands Parkway Collegiate (NPC), getting students ready for the transition to high school begins prior to them entering secondary school and continues throughout their first year.  

"We want the chamber to be relevant," says new Winkler Chamber President Hank Froese

A new president has taken the reins of the Winkler and District Chamber of Commerce.

Hank Froese took his oath as president at Thursday's annua Chamberl meeting and business lunch, taking over from Keith Gislason who will be staying on the board as past president.

"Solidifying bands for this year's festival, is number one priority," says new Harvest Fest Committee Lead

The Winkler Harvest Festival Committee has been busy getting the ball rolling for the 2023 event.
Winkler City Events Coordinator, Nicole Enns is taking on the challenge of heading up the organizing committee for the first time this year, after shadowing Kathy Bueckert in 2022.
Enns says she's thankful to be following some wonderful women who have done some great planning - and - have left her with that solid plan to work off of.

Gold is the target for long range precision shooter from Roland headed to South Africa

A competitive target shooter from Roland will be heading to South Africa in March to take part in his first world-class event. Scott Kyle, who grew up in Boissevain, will be participating individually and as part of Team Canada at the Rutland Cup. Team Canada consists of seven competitors and four shooters noted Kyle.

"This is a world-class event, it will be over three weeks in Bloemfontein, South Africa. There will be the individual competition with a few hundred of the best shooters in the world."

Big efforts at Winkler's NPC to enhance the transition process for Grade 8s entering the school, proving successful

The implementation of some new practices at Winkler's Northlands Parkway Collegiate (NPC) two years ago, aimed to improve the transition to high school for incoming grade 8 students, is proving successful.

NPC Vice-Principal, Jeff Osinski says the new practices were meant to enhance the school's existing transition plan, with the goal of getting their students feeling a sense of belonging sooner into the new school year.