Ag Outlook Market Analyst delivers a gobal economic and crop outlook

A lot is happening globally that has a direct impact on our agriculture markets from the Russia-Ukraine war to the war in the Middle East.

Brad Magnusson with Magnusson Consulting Group was one of the keynote speakers for this week's Ag Outlook 2024 event.

In giving the global economic outlook, he noted that the United States has a more service-based economy and has done better than Canada.

"It's stronger in GDP growth and employment, while we are heavily based in commodities meaning we'll struggle more."

KAP celebrates 40th years

The Keystone Agricultural Producers are holding their Annual General Meeting in Winnipeg.

About 180 producers from around the province are expected to attend this year's event as the grassroots organization celebrates 40 years.

President Jill Verwey says it's also exciting because they changed up the process and on the first day of the conference they have some world class speakers coming in to talk about issues.

Mary Robinson appointed to the Senate

The past President of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) has been appointed to the Senate.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announcing Monday that Mary Robinson has been appointed as an independent senator for Prince Edward Island. 

"Ms. Robinson’s experience in agriculture and business will bring an important perspective to the Senate, where she will be a strong voice for Atlantic Canada. I look forward to working with her to make life better for Canadians from coast to coast to coast."

MacAulay meets with U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay had a productive trip to Washington last week. 

During his visit, he met with his American counterpart Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.

The pair discussed a number of key issues from Canada U.S. food supply chains, to food security, environmental sustainability and rules-based international trade.

Government stats show that in 2022 Canada-U.S. trade in agriculture and food rose by 14 percent to over USD $70 billion – nearly USD $200 million a day. 

CN into recovery mode as it deals with the aftermath of the bitter cold temperatures

The recent cold snap caused numerous problems across a number of sectors including the grain transportation system.

Starting the second week in January temperatures started the deep dive as a cold arctic air mass covered most of the West and would stay in that position for a few days.

Temperatures dropped from the minus 20s to the mid-40s, resulting in new record low temperatures being recorded in some areas of the prairies.

The Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference gets underway in Regina

The Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference runs today and tomorrow at the Delta Hotels in Regina.

Grant McLellan, the chief executive officer for the Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association says this year's theme is What's Now, What's New, What's Next.

"It's a little bit of a reflection on the past couple of years that have been challenging for producers, but we also know that there's a lot of movement and innovation in the sector. So we really wanted to bring that kind of theme and concept to producers."

Prairie producers increase potato acreage

Potato producers from across the country logged in last week for the 2024 Canadian Potato Summit.

Victoria Stamper, the General Manager for the United Potato Growers of Canada says Stats Can figures show as of 2022 we had 951 potato farms across the country with total sales of over 1.5 billion dollars.

"Our average yield in Canada is 332 hundredweight per harvested acre for this year. Major potato growing provinces in acres 83,500  PEI is still at the top, but the West is closing the gap Manitoba at 81,000 and Alberta at 80,000 acres."

Bursaries offered to Wheatland County students wanting to pursue a career in agriculture

Are you a student living in Wheatland County interested in pursuing a career in an agricultural or environmental-related field?

The Wheatland County Agricultural Service Board (ASB) recognizes the importance of youth within the agricultural industry and is offering annual bursaries of up to $10,000.

There is a minimum award of $500 and a maximum award of $2,500.

Applications are now open and will close on September 15, 2024.

GSU accepts Viterra's latest offer

The decision is in, members of the Grain Services Union have voted in favor of accepting Viterra's latest offer.

Steve Torgerson, bargaining spokesperson and GSU general secretary says while the changes in the final offer achieve part of what members were looking to gain, it doesn’t go far enough. 

He says members will continue to press the company during the term of the new agreement to address their concerns.

Streamlining online auctions brings accolades to aucteeno

Remember back not that long ago when community came together at Farmer Brown's farmyard for his auction sale, and two auction rings would rotate throughout the yard, the larger equipment featured in one ring, and the smaller pallets and bundles in the second ring?

And who can forget the conversations with your neighbors over the burger, pie, and coffee! Or a friend you haven't seen for some time!  "How's it goin'? How're the kids?"

Covid-19 changed all that!