Sask Wheat elects Jake Leguee as new chair
The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, or Sask Wheat, has a new chair and vice-chair. On Tuesday, it was announced the commission's board of directors had elected two southeast producers into the positions. Jake Leguee, who farms near Fillmore, was voted in as the chair, while Jocelyn Velestuk, who farms near Broadview, was elected vice chair.
Leguee is in his seventh year as a director with Sask Wheat, first being elected in 2017, and re-elected in 2021.
Farmers should think about the impact soil compaction and wheel tracks have on the crop
Wheel tracks in a field can lead to soil compaction and depending on the depth can have a key impact on a crops yield potential.
Marla Riekman. a soil management specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, says soil compaction is more of an issue when your soil is moist and near capacity:
"Your soils are lubricated, the water that's in the soil can allow that soil to kind of move around. It's reduced in shear strength and now those big pores are filled with air. They've been allowed to drain, they can be crushed. The small pores are water-filled, they hold in place."
2024 ADF research investments will benefit prairie producers
A key funding announcement in Saskatchewan could play a role in crop production in the future.
A total of $14.7 million in Federal-Provincial funding was announced in support of crop-related research.
The funding comes through Saskatchewan's Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) and the Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP).
Updated: A plant breeding partnership with Limagrain and Variety Use Agreement turns into a hot topic at Sask Pulse AGM
The Saskatchewan Pulse Growers dealing with a hotly debated issue during their AGM yesterday.
A resolution put forward by the NFU opposing the use of Variety Use Agreements ( or farm-saved seed royalties ) on new varieties garnered a lot of discussion with producers on both sides of the issue.
Sask Pulse currently has a plant breeding partnership with Limagrain Seeds that would see the two share in future royalties from the sale of new varieties.
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers name 2023 Pulse Promoter
The Saskatchewan Pulse Growers have named retired weed scientist and agronomist Eric Johnson as the 2023 Pulse Promoter.
The Pulse Promoter Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the pulse industry.
Trent Richards, Chair with SPG says they are pleased to recognize Eric’s contributions to and achievements in the pulse industry in Saskatchewan.
"His legacy has left a significant impact on agronomists and pulse growers, who have benefited from his research and project outcomes."
Sask Flax and Sask Canola vote in favor of amalgamation
Saskatchewan crop commissions are holding their Annual General Meetings in Saskatoon this week.
Yesterday's meetings included Sask Wheat, Sask Barley, Sask Canola, Sask Flax, and Sask Pulse.
On major issues over the last year, the crop commissions along with Sask Oats have come together with one voice "Sask Crops" on key subjects relating to the agriculture sector from proposed changes at PMRA to pre-budget submissions and participation in AAFC's Sustainable Agriculture Strategy Consultation.
There seems to be a slowdown in the spread of Clubroot in Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan's 2023 Clubroot Survey showed no visible increases in clubroot symptoms and only one field where the pathogen was detected through DNA testing.
Over 500 fields were examined as part of the survey through the clubroot monitoring program.
Agriculture Minister David Marit says the map is an important tool for producers and specialists providing the information needed to make the best decisions for their operations.
Under the program, Sask Canola pays for and selects the RM's, while SARM helps distribute the soil testing bags.
Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame 2024 inductees announced
Six individuals who have played a prominent role in the agriculture sector in the province will be inducted into Saskatchewan's Agricultural Hall of Fame in April.
SAHF President Reed Andrew says the 2024 inductees, Abdul Jalil, Brian Olsen, Bruce Coulman, Grant Carlson, Les Johnston, and Stewart Stone, have made significant and distinguished contributions to the welfare and improvement of Saskatchewan agriculture.
The inductees will be formally inducted into the Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame at a ceremony in Saskatoon on Saturday, April 13th.
A shift to colder temperatures could impact grain movement
Grain movement is expected to pick up over the next few weeks following the slow-down during the holiday season and the closure of the Port of Thunder Bay.
David Przednowek the assistant vice president of grain for CN Rail says throughout December they've seen a continued pattern of underutilization of grain supply chain capacity:
FCC says 2023 crop was the most expensive crop ever for farmers
One of the key stories in 2023 was the economy with higher interest rates and increased costs.
JP Gervais, Farm Credit Canada's vice president and chief economist says the 2023 crop was the most expensive crop farmers have ever put in the ground with higher input costs and lower commodity prices as compared to 2022.
He says those factors had a key impact on farm profitability along with weather-related issues.