Federal Agriculture Minister is optimistic about the ag sector heading into 2024
Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay says the environment remains a top priority for the government in 2024.
He says it was also a key priority and challenge for 2023 as the weather and environment impacted the agriculture sector right across the country from the wildfires to drought and the viciousness of storms like Hurricane Fiona.
Agriculture sector encouraged to look at cyber security
When it comes to cyber security research from the University of Guelph suggests agriculture is behind the curve.
In the last few years, we've heard about online hackers and the damage they can do.
Cathy Lennon, the General Manager of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture says it's important to be aware of any potential risks.
Grain Services Union serves 72-hour strike notice to Viterra
The two sides have been in contract talks for more than a year with Grain Services Union Local 1 (Viterra Country Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Regina Head Office), rejecting the company’s final offer on December 15.
The union says, in a statement, they are seeking “fair wages, improved work-life balance, and workplace respect.”
Talks are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday in Regina, in an effort to avoid a strike or lockout. The Grain Services Union (GSU) could walk off the job as soon as 2 pm on Friday.
FCC says 2023 crop was the most expensive crop ever for farmers
One of the key stories in 2023 was the economy with higher interest rates and increased costs.
JP Gervais, Farm Credit Canada's vice president and chief economist says the 2023 crop was the most expensive crop farmers have ever put in the ground with higher input costs and lower commodity prices as compared to 2022.
He says those factors had a key impact on farm profitability along with weather related issues.
CFIA looking for input on PFAS fertilizer standards
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is leading a 60-day public consultation to seek comments on proposed fertilizer standards imported or sold in Canada.
The policy focuses on the proposed implementation of a per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) standard for municipal biosolids imported or sold as commercial fertilizers.
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances are a group of chemicals commonly used since the 1940s in industry and households in products such as food packaging, textiles, cosmetics, and others.
Alberta minister says help for producers a priority after tough year
Alberta has had another tough year for producers as dry weather added to previous droughts over the summer.
That's been a focus for the provincial government, with Agriculture Minister RJ Sigurdson detailing some of their work.
Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association President says 2023 a challenging year for producers
Saskatchewan's cattle industry has been working hard over 2023 as more dry weather continued feed issues.
Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association President Grant McLellan talks about some of the obstacles they have faced over the past 12 months.
Manitoba minister says new government has farm producers' backs in 2024
This year farmers were tested with tough conditions that ranged from a drought out west to challenging financial issues.
In Manitoba, crops were a bit wetter but those costs still played a part in the industry.
Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn says the area did alright over 2023.
Saskatchewan's Agriculture Minister happy with producer help, investment in 2023
2023 was a tough year for some producers, though few areas saw the variety that Saskatchewan did when it came to conditions.
The province saw an eastern half with a good amount of moisture and a western half that was thrust into a drought.
Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit talked about what they did to help producers.
Railways will pay WGRF after exceeding their maximum grain revenue entitlements
The Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) will once again see a substantial cash injection from the railways as part of their maximum grain revenue entitlements overage.
The Canada Transportation Agency has determined that grain-related revenue for both CN Rail and CPKC exceeded their allowable entitlements.
CN’s grain revenue of $1,079,522,039 was $3,457,939 above its entitlement of $1,076,064,100.