Barlow's Private Member Bill C-275 regarding On Farm Animal Biosecurity is headed to the Senate

The Conservative Shadow Minister for Agriculture,  AgriFood and Food Security says disappointing is an understatement when it comes to this week's vote on Bill C - 234 in the Senate.

John Barlow says the Liberal loyalists in the Senate are trying to gut and kill this bill.

Farm groups are disappointed in Bill C-234 amendment


The Agriculture Carbon Alliance (ACA) is profoundly disappointed in the Senate’s recent adoption of a previously rejected amendment to Bill C-234.

They note that after weeks of procedural delays, marked by the re-introduction of amendments that were already debated and defeated and repeated adjournments, Senators voted 40-39 in favour of an amendment previously rejected by both the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food as well as the whole Senate at report stage.

APAS report shows food prices are not driven by the price at the farm gate

The Agricultural Producers of Saskatchewan have released their final report on Farmers and Food Prices.

President Ian Boxall said they wanted the report to clear the air,  as some people thought the increase in food prices was related to the increase in commodity prices.

APAS worked with Kevin Grier Market Analysis and Consulting to determine the farmer’s share of the retail price of eight products flour, bread, canola oil, margarine, lentils, beer, retail beef, and retail pork. 

Senator concerns continue to grow around Liberal actions with Bill C-234

Bill C-234 is headed back to the House of Commons

The original bill to remove the carbon tax on natural gas and propane used for on-farm use for grain drying, irrigation, heating, and cooling livestock barns and greenhouses was amended yesterday in the Senate.

The Senate voted 40-39 to pass the amendment put forward by Quebec Senator Pierre Dalphond to remove barns and greenhouses from the legislation.

Conservative Senator David Wells introduced the Bill in the Senate and says this is a gutting amendment that now really damages the bill.

Bill C-234 amended in the Senate

It looks as though Bill C-234 has taken another hit in the Senate. 

Bill C-234 called for the removal of the carbon tax on natural gas and propane used for on farm use for grain drying, irrigation, heating, and cooling livestock barns and greenhouses.

Tuesday afternoon the Senate voted 40 to 39 in favor of Quebec Senator Pierre Dalphond's amendment to remove barns from the legislation.

The amended bill now goes back to the House of Commons.

The Bill was introduced in the Senate by Conservative Senator David Wells.

It's Canola Week!

Canola Week is an annual conference that brings together canola growers, researchers, agronomists, and more as it provides an update on the state of the canola industry in Canada, the latest research, agronomic issues, and cutting-edge innovation.

Canola Council of Canada President and CEO Chris Davison during his opening remarks on Tuesday talked about the importance of moving research into products and know ledge that will move the industry forward.