This week's McDonald's Coffee Break winner is...

Peace Wapiti Academy! 

They enjoyed hot coffee and treats from McDonald's! 

Enter your business and you and your co-workers could win coffee and a variety of muffins, lil donuts, cookies, egg McMuffins and breakfast burritos from McDonald's!

We'll draw a winner every week and will personally deliver McDonald's coffee and treats to the winning business.

Enter Here

Canadian Foodgrains Bank adopting new program to unite urban and rural efforts

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank is looking to test out a new program that they're hoping will unite urban resources and rural farming to better stock Canadian foodbanks.

Grow Hope Saskatchewan will look to unite the two sectors to increase the amount of food grown and help the two sectors of Canada connect.

Rick Block, a Saskatchewan representative for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, gives an overview of the program.

Cattle market report sees more rises than falls for weekly prices

Manitoba weekly auction mart report showed that last week feeder steer prices rose, ranging from an average of $450.88 per cwt for the 401 to 500-pound weights to $319.58 per cwt for the 801 to 900-pound category.  The biggest drop of $9.17 per cwt came in the 901+ weight category dropping to an average of $275.33 per cwt, the biggest increase of $16.18 per cwt was in the 401-500 pound category for an average of $450.88.

Evangelical council making big changes in light of moral failings in Christian leadership

A Christian council governing almost 3,000 evangelical nonprofits is hoping its new guidelines will help diminish the ever-increasing moral failings of those in leadership. 

The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) has noticed that the greatest threat to finances the church faces are due to leadership making bad moral decisions. Because of this, the ECFA is making the biggest changes to their standards in 45 years. 

'I was supposed to be dead': How Benjamin Hylden found faith in a field after horrific crash

Benjamin Hylden was a typical teenager who loved sports and dreamed of becoming a professional basketball player one day. This all changed when his world was flipped upside down on Good Friday in 2007.

While on his way to an appointment, Hylden was speeding down a dirt road in Park River, North Dakota, when he lost control of his vehicle. The car flipped several times and Ben was ejected, slamming headfirst into a half-frozen field. 

"The pain was insane," said Benjamin. "This was that moment where life became real."

Maximum security inmates, including Wiccan leader, spontaneously baptized in prison

God Behind Bars witnessed lives change radically during a recent baptism service inside a maximum security prison. 

While 20 prisoners in South Dakota had originally signed up to be baptized through the ministry, five more men decided to be spontaneously baptized last week during the service.

"We did this event knowing that 20 men were signed up," says God Behind Bars on Instagram. "But when the gospel was preached, 5 more men came to Jesus and came out to get baptized! One man who got baptized was leading a Wiccan group, came to Jesus and was baptized!"

LISTEN: New single talks hope of heaven with 'See You Again'

An up-and-coming Christian artist and father of three released a new single about the hope of seeing his friend in heaven again one day. 

Justin Warren's new single is called 'See You Again' and is all about his best friend Luke DeGroff.

"I hope and pray this song blesses and encourages you and that it fills you with the hope of Heaven," says Warren.

How do we achieve a smoke-free Canada, faster?

Despite decades of government programs and regulations, today, nearly five million Canadian adults continue to smoke.

Even if you are not a smoker yourself, chances are someone you know, love or work with, is.

About 22 per cent of the world’s population still smokes, despite successive measures by governments around the world to reduce smoking rates.

Verse of the day: May 22

Galatians 5:13

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."


Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.