New interactive Bible study from The Chosen, Amanda Jenkins shares details

Fans of The Chosen will get to dive deeper into the Bible while following the popular streaming show. 

God's Goodness for the Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study Season 4 is available for purchase and is an eight-lesson study that dives into topics of suffering and seeing God's goodness through it. 

Outgoing love

Romans 14

His face was covered with a full beard. His hair fell almost to his shoulders. When he smiled, his white teeth flashed in contrast to the blanket of brown that concealed his skin. His eyes were blue, clear, and alert. His laughter was strong and familiar to my ears. It reminded me of the times we sat together as friends in seminary, wrestling with reason and trying to unscrew the inscrutable.

CCA narrowing down finalists in the Young Leaders Mentorship Program

Participants in the Canadian Cattle Association's Young Leaders Mentorship Program took part in the final round of competition last week during the Canadian Beef Industry Conference. 

The group of 24 took part in roundtable discussion with the other participants and judges as they work to narrow down the group to the 16 finalists.

Jessica Radau,  the CCA's Policy, Programs and Engagement Manager says the roundtable discussions covered a variety of topics from succession planning to biosecurity, building public trust in the industry and more.

North American beef industry leaders hold trilateral meeting

The Canadian Cattle Association hosted the third 2024 triannual trilateral meeting with industry leaders from the United States and Mexico last week to discuss some of the common challenges and opportunities facing the cattle sector.

Trade issues and relations were top among the topics being discussed with the upcoming review of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC) set for 2026.

The group also discussing the impact of lab grown proteins as well as international engagement on antimicrobial resistance.

Leave test strips for hail damaged crop assessments

Farmers are looking for some decent weather now with harvest activities underway across the Prairies.

Over the last few weeks, some areas have seen severe storm activity and hail damage. 

The Canadian Crop Hail Association says from July 29th to August 11th over 1600 claims of crop damage were reported in the prairies with more than 75 per cent of those claims coming from farms in Alberta.


Passive men, wild women

Ephesians 5:22-33

Those words aren't original with me. They came from a shrink living in Marin County, California—Pierre Mornell, who wrote a book that bears that title. The issue that concerned Dr. Mornell is found in Christian marriages just as often as in non-Christian ones.