Skywatchers took in a cloudy view of the solar eclipse  

It wasn't the spectacle we'd hoped for, but Southern Manitobans managed to get a quick 20-minute view of yesterday's solar eclipse.  

Kenton Dyck heads up the Pembina Valley's only Astronomy Club, and he provided the telescope for the viewing party at Winkler's Bethel Heritage Park. The telescope is a high-end amateur piece of equipment, a 12 inch Orion Dobsonian.

Morden’s Mayor looks ahead to next four years during remarks at Candidate’s Forum

Brandon Burley, the acclaimed Mayor for the City of Morden, took a moment during Wednesday's local all-candidates forum to dole out a few 'thank yous' and offer a glimpse into his hopes for the city in the next four years. 

“Tonight is a very important night for the future of our community, for where we want to go in the next four years and beyond that. So, tonight I'm here, just like you are, to pay attention to what the community is saying, and where it is we believe we need to go as a community,” said Burley. 

"Morden Corn & Apple Festival volunteers make the city sparkle," says Mayor Brandon Burley

The 54th Morden Corn & Apple Festival has come and gone, with early indications suggesting it could have been the best attended ever! According to Executive Director Tim Hodge, all the indicators organizers use to determine attendance are pointing to a record setting event. He expects final numbers to be determined and released by the end of the week.

Festival food, rides and the Big Wreck concert were highlights for Morden Mayor Brandon Burley, but he has an extra special highlight from the community weekend. 

Criminal Property Forfeiture grant helps fund Regional Crisis Negotiation Unit

A member of the Regional Crisis Negotiation Unit, comprised of officers from the Altona, Morden, and Winkler Police Services, will be off to the Canadian Police College for training thanks to $5,894.57 in Criminal Property Forfeiture Funding from the Province. 

Thanks to the grant, Constable Brendan Funk with the Altona Police Service will be able to obtain his official negotiator training and earn a certificate in Crisis Negotiation. It's just one of the many areas of interest and roles the Constable has as part of his job.