'I'm back:' Danielle Smith chosen as United Conservative leader, next Alberta premier

Danielle Smith delivered a dramatic political comeback Thursday, winning the leadership of the United Conservative Party to become Alberta’s next premier almost eight years after she decimated the movement with an epic floor crossing. 

Smith captured nearly 54 per cent of the vote on the sixth round of the preferential ballot, defeating six rivals and securing the majority needed for victory. 

"I’m back!" Smith told a cheering crowd of about 1,500 at BMO Centre in Calgary just before confetti popped around her and blue and white balloons fluttered down from above.

Alberta UCP wraps up voting Thursday, prepares to announce new premier

Alberta’s governing United Conservative Party is scheduled pick the province’s new premier Thursday, and political observers say its next step should be getting back on the same page as the rest of the province.

“The campaign was striking for the lack of focus on the issues that are primary for Albertans,” said political scientist Lori Williams.

“It was about controversies over Ottawa and how to deal with Ottawa. 

The gig is up: Alberta Premier Jason Kenney set to step down from top job

Don’t cry for me, Alberta, I was leaving anyway.  

It's Premier Jason Kenney’s swan song message as he prepares to depart the province's top job, forced out by the very United Conservative Party he willed into existence.

"I was never intending to be in this gig for a long time,” Kenney told an audience earlier this month. He had planned for one more provincial election, he said.

Alberta lieutenant-governor says not a done deal she'll OK proposed sovereignty act

Alberta’s lieutenant-governor says it's not a done deal that she would automatically sign off on a proposal from a United Conservative Party leadership candidate to pass a bill aimed at ignoring federal laws and court rulings.

Salma Lakhani says she would seek legal advice as required, but says she is duty-bound to ensure the Constitution is followed.