What does the RM of Piney have planned for 2023?

The RM of Piney has quite a few things they will be working on throughout 2023. 

One thing they are working on this year is the Southeast Regional Transportation initiative.  

Martin Van Osch, C.A.O. for the RM, says the RM has secured funding from the federal government for the purchase of a vehicle. 

"We have yet to purchase that vehicle or vehicles, it might be plural, but we have been able to secure the funding. And they've allowed the funding to extend right through to 2024, I believe it is.” 

RM of Stuartburn's Reeve has big plans for the new year

The biggest highlight of 2022 for the new Reeve for the RM of Stuartburn is first off, the October municipal elections.  

Michelle Gawronsky says, “given that honor was a huge highlight for my life. After that, I'm glad that the folks of Stuartburn are able to celebrate events live again. We had the best Canada Day celebrations in Vita and to be able to see people, actually coming into town and enjoying and watching our community come back to life has just been huge for us.” 

Eden East Mental Wellness Centre celebrates 1 year of service in new location

Just over a year ago, Eden East Mental Wellness Centre moved to its new location and it was a huge success. 

Eden East moved to Stonebridge Wellness Centre in Steinbach, and during this past year, they have developed and expanded their mental health services. 

They are able to do more counseling work than they were able to at their old location, as well as work on expanding their programs. 

Only 1/81 Canadians donate blood

One in two people in Canada are eligible to donate blood, but only one in 81 actually do. 

Canadian Blood Services Community Development Manager, Brett Lawrence, says the pandemic really took a number on their donor base. Throughout the pandemic, the number of donors across Canada who regularly donated decreased by 31,000. Lawrence says that the need for blood is constant, and he’s thankful that Steinbach has a strong and consistent donor base. 

Steinbach icon to be honoured, son shares simple beginnings of sports in Steinbach

A Steinbach legend will be recognized for his contributions by The Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame. 

Thomas Goldwin “T.G.” Smith was instrumental in the organization of Little League Baseball in Steinbach back in the mid-1950s. He will be inducted posthumously into the Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame on June 3rd, 2023. T.G. Smith passed away in 1982.

His son, Bob Smith, says they grew up being a ‘sports family,’ they were at games and tournaments seven days a week through summer and winter. 

“There were only two sports back in the good old days,” Smith says. 

Growing a 1,000-pound pumpkin on a 50-year-old manure pile

Elizabeth Karpinchick, a professional agrologist located in St. Pierre, recently grew a pumpkin that weighed 1,011 pounds.  

She tried to measure the circumference and volume of the pumpkin, but her it was too wide for her measuring tape.  

Karpinchick has been growing giant pumpkins for four years now, and the biggest pumpkin she’s grown before this was 695 pounds. She was thrilled when she found out her pumpkin weighed over 1,000 pounds. 

What changes and what stays the same locally for Monday's Federal Day of Mourning

The federal government announced that September 19th, the day of the funeral for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, would be a one-time federal holiday for core federal public services.

In Manitoba, all non-essential government services and offices will be closed September 19th in acknowledgement of the day of mourning. Schools will remain open and classes will be in session. Child-care facilities will also be open. The health-care system will continue to operate as usual

Locally, here are some of the openings and closings related to Monday.