Stuartburn Reeve excited for nearly $100,000 in unconditional funding

In a press release from the Manitoba Province last week Friday, it was announced that $47 million dollars in unconditional funding would be given to municipalities across the province, which in turn ended the seven-year freeze on municipal operating basket funding. The Reeve for the RM Stuartburn is very excited about this. 

The Alzheimer's Society wants to help support your loved ones with dementia

About 61 percent of Manitobans are affected by somebody in their life with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or dementia, and about 18,500 Manitobans are living with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or another type of dementia. 

The Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba is raising awareness for Alzheimer’s, and one of their key messages is that people with dementia or people who have a loved one with dementia need to connect to a community. 

Liz McLeod from the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba says the best way to connect is to get in touch with the Alzheimer’s Society.