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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 November 9– 2023 November 10

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 35


0812 hours- Unwanted Guest- Area searched, Subject not located.

0842 hours- Break and Enter-200 block Iroquois St- occurred over night, Items taken, SUI.

0917 hours- Erratic Driving- SUI.

0925 hours- Dispute- information provided, as well as other community support referrals.

1015 hours- Found Property- Owner of property to be contacted.

1133 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- information provided, as well as other community support referrals.

1145 hours- Theft- 100 block Lillooet St E- approx. $200 worth of items taken out of a garage.

1239 hours- Found Property- Exhibited.

1240 hours- Dispute- information provided, as well as other community support referrals.

1443 hours- Suspicious occurrence- subject was spoken to, no safety concerns.

1456 hours- Parking Bylaw- Registered owner contacted to move vehicle.

1527 hours- Well being check- Subject was located with no safety concerns.

1609 hours- False Alarm- Area was checked, negative results.

1745 hours- MVA Under- Assisted with name exchange.

1850 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- SUI to get video and identify suspect.

1927 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Area searched, results negative.

1947 hours- Unwanted Guest- Mediated upon arrival.

2015 hours- Fraud- File provided and complainant advised to contact bank.

2132 hours- Suspicious occurrence- Areas searched, results negative.

2222 hours- Threats- Complainant provided information.

2339 hours- MVA- Single vehicle accident with light post, one tow, one injury, $25000 damage.

2347 hours- Break and Enter- Langdon Cres- Vehicle entered, nothing was taken, no damages.

0312 hours- Assist Fire- Fire was put out, not suspicious at this time.


911 Calls- 7

Alarm Calls – 1

Parking Bylaw – 1

Assist Other Agency – 9

Warrants Executed – 1
