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The Northwestern Health Unit has expanded 2nd dose eligibility for clinics starting today, announced by the Medical Officer of the NWHU Dr. Kit Young Hoon in a media briefing yesterday.

Anyone who received a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine at least 28 days previously is eligible to receive their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

People that want their 2nd dose can make an appointment or attend one of the various NWHU walk-in clinics.

People that received their vaccine before April 18, 2021, can book through the provincial booking system, and those that got their first dose after April 18, 2021, have to use the NWHU booking system.

The NWHU is hoping to have that link available on their website to residents today.

As of Monday, anyone who had received Astra Zeneca as their first dose can now get a second dose of an mNRA vaccine at an 8 to 12-week interval.

Individuals that received Astra Zeneca can book through the online booking system by calling the provincial call center or by attending one of the NWHU walk-in clinics.

Young Hoon added that waiting for the full 12-week interval helps to ultimately provide more protection against COVID-19, including the Delta Variant.
