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Photo courtesy The Color's Facebook page

The Color has added two Gospel Music Association Canada Covenant Awards to their growing list of honours.
During last weekend's 43rd annual awards in Kitchener, Ontario, the group was named Group of the Year and Pop Artist of the Year.

With the expected delivery of a new baby for lead singer Jordan Janzen and his wife any day now, The Color did not make it to Kitchener for the Covenant awards ceremony.

CFAM Radio 950 Morning Show Co-Host Chris Sumner had the opportunity to talk to Janzen and The Color's Larry Abrams, when they stopped by the Golden West's Winkler studio earlier this week.
Janzen feels this recognition is a testament to the persistence and perseverance throughout their journey of creating music for more than a decade. He said it also gives great affirmation to the work they've put in.

"Sometimes you question whether or not it's worth it," said Janzen. "And as life happens, and seasons change, we have kids and there are just different responsibilities, it is a positive reminder it's making an impact." 
The Color's music also strongly reflects the changing seasons of their lives.

"There are different things that matter to you personally, and so when we're writing our music, a lot of that is coming from our own experiences and the questions we have, the things we've been challenged in. And so it definitely impacts the music," said Janzen. 

"When a few of us were pregnant with our first, then we wrote a song called The Kind of Man. I think that's kind of the first sort of clear indication that, 'Oh the seasons of life are going to impact what the songs are', and so it's been kind of cool."

Asked about balancing family life while still touring and creating new music, Abrams told Sumner that being on the road is tough, especially during tours that keep them away longer. 

"We have a great piece of technology called FaceTime and that has been extremely wonderful to have," said Abrams. "But, having a family at home, it's an incredible thing to have. Being on the road and then knowing you have a wife and kids back home that are supporting you and excited about it, is great, and also missing you is nice. And we miss them terribly when we're away," continued Abrams. "I love it so much. I love being a husband, and I love being a father."

Drummer, Tyson Unrau is also part of The Color.

You can listen to Sumner's conversation with Janzen and Abrams, below.

~Files from Chris Sumner~

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