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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 December 5 – 2023 December 6

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 54


0710 Hours- Disturbance- Subject arrested on Warrants and held till sober.

0800 Hours- Theft under- Item worth $500 was stolen over night on Dec. 2 from the 100 block of Grafton Ave.

0845 Hours- Hit & run- 700 Block Stad St W- $3000 Damages, no witnesses, no cameras.

0855 Hours- Found Property- Property was exhibited as found property.

0932 Hours- Theft under- 1100 block Ominica St E theft of gas happened.

0936 Hours – MVA under- Deer was hit causing damage to car, nonreportable accident advised to go to SGI.

1033 Hours – Unwanted guest- Area was searched, no one matching description located.

1057 Hours – Found Property- Owner was contacted and engagement to pick up item was made.

1100 Hours – Dangerous dog- Owner of dog couldn’t be contacted, messages where left.

1115 Hours – MVA over- Company delivery truck hit home in the 1300 block of Connaught Ave communication with company to mediate the situation.

1125 Hours – Unwanted Guest- Subject was located and banned from the premise.

1142 Hours – Theft of Auto- Rental trailer wasn’t returned on proper date, still under investigation due computer system issues.

1203 Hours – Break and Enter- Roughly $1500 dollars of items stolen.

1211 Hours – Found Property- Found bike the 800 block of Cartier Ave, assigned to commissioners for pickup.

1213 Hours –10th Ave Nw- Vehicle ran a stop sign hitting another vehicle then fled the scene.

1320 hours- Dispute- Situation was mediated, items returned to owner.

1328 Hours – Theft Under- Approx. $150 dollars of items stolen on the 100 block of Oxford St. W.

1332 Hours –Found Property- Exhibited for owners’ information.

1442 Hours – Theft- Between November 27th and December 1, a Utility Trailor was stolen values at $1000 on the 1700 block of Main St.

1530 Hours- MVA Over- Minor injuries, 2 vehicles towed, approx. $50,000 damages, 1 ticket was issued for proceeding before safe.

1606 Hours- Unwanted Guest- Held on outstanding warrants and public intoxication.

1724 Hours – Break and Enter- 100 block Ross St W- Still under investigation for video.

1752 Hours- Found Prop- Owner was contacted and will pickup belongings.

1904 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Subject was located and warned about his actions.

2014 Hours- Fire Call- Smoldering cigarette caused tree in yard to catch fire.

2122 hours- Unwanted guest- Verbal disagreement between 2 parties, separated upon police arrival.

2126 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- People on property of not their own, where trying to get out of wind and warm up, left upon police request.

2237 hours- False alarm call.

0539 hours- Suspicious occurrence- Subjects spoken with, no concerns.



Assist Other Agency – 4

Unwanted guest – 6

Warrant Executed – 4

911 Calls – 9
