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Premier Brian Pallister's latest work program is aimed at helping vaccinated Manitobans get back to work.

A $30-million program will be helping many Manitobans return to work.

The Manitoba government is introducing the $30 million Healthy Hire Manitoba Program, a new wage support to help private-sector employers reopen and encourage employees to get vaccinated and return to work, Premier Brian Pallister announced today.

“As we emerge from this third wave towards a post-pandemic Manitoba with fewer restrictions and more freedoms, our focus remains on getting all eligible Manitobans fully vaccinated, as quickly and safely as possible,” Pallister says in a statement. “As we continue to loosen restrictions this summer as vaccination rates increase, this new wage support will help ensure a smooth and steady reopening path and support employers as they staff up to offer Manitobans the goods and services they rely on and enjoy most.”

Under the Healthy Hire Manitoba Program, local employers can apply for up to $50,000 in provincial support to help cover the wages of new employees who can attest they have been vaccinated or will be vaccinated. Eligible employers will receive a grant equivalent to 50 per cent of wages for a maximum of 10 employees, with a maximum of $5,000 per employee. The wage support covers full pay periods for employees hired on or after June 10, 2021 with the last pay period ending Oct. 15.

Employers must be an active and permanent Manitoba-based business, not-for-profit or registered charity physically operating in the province. The Healthy Hire Manitoba Program is available for newly-hired employees who started working no earlier than June 10 or a re-hired employee who worked for that employer in a previous year or who was laid off as a result of the public health restrictions.

“The Healthy Hire Manitoba Program will incentivize employers to safely bring more employees back to work and encourage more Manitobans to get fully vaccinated,” said Pallister. “This new program supports our ‘4-3-2-One Great Summer’ Reopening Path, which rewards Manitobans with greater freedoms and fewer restrictions on our lives and the economy as more of us get vaccinated.”

Pallister noted that employers that are participating in a different government program may receive funding from Healthy Hire Manitoba to hire additional employees.
