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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 December 15 – 2023 December 16

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 85



0756 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was notified and is banned from the store.

0935 hours- Theft Under- Reported for informational services.

0946 hours- 911- Person charged with misuse of 911.

0951 hours- Suspicious vehicle- Property Manager will take care of the vehicle.

1024 hours- Disturbance- Subject was dropped off at Social Services.

1106 hours- Driving Prohibited- Subject to be charged.

1107 hours- Parking Bylaw- Parking complaint to have vehicle moved.

1121 hours- Assault- Subject to be charged, SUI to serve paperwork.

1210 hours- Unwanted Guest- Suspect loitering in the entry way of atm lobby- Left prior to Police arrival. Pact team will pay another visit.

1222 hours- Parking Bylaw- Vehicle moved prior to Police arrival.

1257 hours- Assault- Subject to be charged.

1302hours- Theft Under- Subject charged with theft of approx $100.00.

1340 hours- Well Being Check- Upon the check, condition of the residence was poor, Child Protection Services was notified.

1553 hours- Driving Impaired- Subject received 3 day suspension and 3 day impound.

1600 hours- Suspicious vehicle- Vehicle was found and subject was charged with   breach.

1617 hours- Fraud- Debit card was stolen. Reported for information purposes.

1834 hours- Driving Erratic- Registered owner to be spoken too.

1840 hours- Well Being Check- Spoken to person in question. – No concerns for the person’s safety, does not need Police assistance.

2244 hours- Assist Ambulance- Subject went voluntarily to the hospital with EMS.

2253 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was sent on his way.

0036 hours- Noise Bylaw- Everything was quiet.

0111 hours- Alarm Call. – No forced entry, insecure door, officers secure it.

0117 hours- Suspicious Person- Person taken to hospital by EMS as he was injured.

0142 hours- Dispute- Suspect sober, hung up on officers, will be followed up tomorrow.

0248 hours- Trespass- Subjects had left prior to Police arrival.

0308 hours- Purse Snatching- Under investigation to view video.

0332 hours- Fraud- Under investigation to view video.

0334 hours- Driving Impaired- Subject charged with impaired, issued a ticket and vehicle impounded.

0523 hours- Mischief- Photos were taken.


Well being checks- 9

Unwanted guests- 9

911 Calls – 6
