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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 December 16 – 2023 December 17

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 51


0708 hours- Unwanted Guest- Suspect located and advised that he is banned from the Business.

0836 hours- Weapons Call- A shot gun and shells were seized and taken apart for destruction.

0918 hours- Subject left prior to arrival, verbal ban from the Business.

0943 hours- Mischief- Report of vandalism- Subject to be charged with mischief.

1114 hours- Dispute- Situation mediated.

1214 hours- Well Being Check- Subject was at home safe.

1330 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- People skating on the river- Found no one on the ice and no broken ice indicating anyone fell through.

1351 hours- Theft- Cell phone stolen- Advised to get all there banking info secured. – No suspects.

1351 hours- Well Being- Subject was at home- No safety concerns.

1454 hours- Disturbance- Area checked and found no one– Reported for informational purposes.

1515 hours- Property Lost- Reported for informational purposes.

1611 hours- 911- Pact Team had a good talk with the subject- Safety plan to be put in place and they will follow up in two weeks.

1828 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was charged with Breach of Undertaking.

1949 hours- Theft Under- Video to be dropped off on Monday- Under investigation to review the video.

2018 hours- Driving Impaired- Subject was charged with impaired and received a 60 day impound.

0519 hours- Unwanted Guest – Subject sent on his way without issue- Was told to go to the Police Station if he wanted to stay warm

Well being checks- 8

Unwanted guest- 5

911 Calls- 4
