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Science Teacher Jessie Harrald with students working on an experiment in the new Science Lab.
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Science Teacher Jessie Harrald with students working on an experiment in the new Science Lab.

Morden Collegiate Institute staff and students have settled into three new classes on the Northwest corner of the building. The last addition to the high school was in 2010, when the grand opening of the Backstage Theatre took place.  

Board Chair Brian Fransen recalled the planning was already in place at that time for when the need would arise to expand.  

"In the original plans, we penciled in a set of three classrooms that could be put in at a later date. We did have all these grand plans, we were working with the same contractor, pricing it out, seeing what it would cost, and of course, comparing it to what portable classrooms would cost. And at the time, it was very similar maybe. 10-15% more cost for the permanent classroom than it would have been for a portable classroom, and so we thought this would be a win-win solution when it came time to use that space or to need that space."  

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The time came a few years ago and Fransen said the board's vision came to fruition. 

"We did, eventually, through years of advocacy, get approval for that project rather than putting in more portable classrooms. So, it was very exciting to be able to provide new space for the growth in the high school." 

Construction on the three-stacked classrooms, one in the basement, one on ground level and one on the second floor, finished in the Spring of 2023.  

Fransen noted the years of board advocacy paid off.  

"And what was a bit of a pleasant surprise in this whole project, we got an updated Science lab in the school. Now if you were to just get portable classrooms, chances are you're not going to get a new science lab, but with the permanent construction, it provided an opportunity, and the need was there in the high school. Through some design work, we got the space approved for a new science lab, which is elevating the learning opportunities of our high school students." 

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Grade 11 FI Student Jaxon Forster

Fransen shared what this new space means for students in Western School Division.  

"We are always looking to provide opportunities for learning for our students and having more flexibility with the use of space is phenomenal. It's not something that we can take for granted." 

The last science lab in Morden Collegiate was built in 1973. 

Author Alias