
Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 December 23 – 2023 December 24

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 46



0821 hours – Insecurity- Building was searched, no evidence of forced entry, nothing missing, keyholder contacted, building locked up.

0842 hours – Dispute- parties where separated.

0948hours – Mischief- Wood lily Drive- Over night a subject drilled hole in gas tank, approx. $2000 damage.

1023 hours – Mischief- vehicle was keyed in parking lot, video to be provided.

1041 hours – Mischief- Vehicle in the 1500 block Spadina Street had hole drilled in gas tank over night, resulting in $2000 damages.

1107 hours – Suspicious vehicle- Vehicle was checked and belonged to a neighbour.

1113 hours – Insecurity- Building was secure, window was closed, no entry obtained.

1140 hours – Dispute- Civil dispute, advice was given to get belongings back.

1205 hours – Theft Under- items were located and given back to owner.

1412 hours – Parking Bylaw- SUI to speak to courier service, and driver of the vehicle.

1422 hours- Theft under- Reported for informational purposes, Items were added to data base of stolen items.

1502 hours- Shoplifting- Subject was banned and sent on their way.

1522 hours- Found drugs turned in- 2 Baggies of unknown substance as well as some pills were exhibited for destruction.

1535 hours- Hit & run- Video to be put together from surrounding business to identify suspect.

1539 hours- Tenant/ landlord situation- Advice was given how to go forward.

1545 hours- Fire Call- Fire was put out, deemed not suspicious approx. $50,000 damage.

1606 hours- Suspicious occurrence- Subject was taken to hospital by EMS, left in their care.

1833 hours- Mischief- Approx.500 damages, front window on house was broken.

1847 hours- Dangerous Driving- subject was located and warned of their driving.

2120 hours- Disturbance- Sui to speak to the subject.

2131 hours- Noise Bylaw- subject was spoken to about the noise.

2151 hours- Intoxicated person- subject was located and warned not to urinate in public.

2157 hours- Suspicious person- Vehicle with subjects was located they just ran out of gas and were waiting on someone to bring gas.

2231 hours- Break and enter- Upstairs tenant was in home cleaning.

2244 hours- Unwanted guest- Subject was located and was just looking for a place to warm up.

2252 hours- Assault- Statement provided suspect to be charged and released on conditions.

2356 hours- Fraud- Happened in Oct subject to be charged with use of credit card.

0004 hours- Insecurity- Garage was searched no entry was gained.

0008 hours- Suspicious person- Subject was located and sent on their way.

0039 hours- Dispute- Advice was given regarding a tenant issue, advised to speak to landlord in morning.

0315 hours- Intoxicated Person- Subject was taken to their home and left in care of family.


Assist Other Agencies – 1

Insecurities – 3

Well being – 6

