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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 December 24 – 2023 December 25

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 33



0712 hours – Theft Under- Unfounded.

0722hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Partial plate was given, and no description of driver, unable to contact driver or registered owner.

1057 hours – Unwanted guest- Subject was gone on arrival.

1059 hours – Dispute- Advice was given on steps to move forward.

1120 hours – Other Bylaw- Complaint of dogs off lease in unauthorised area, no dogs matching description where located.

1124 hours – MVA Over- Accident happened on November 7, no injuries, no tows, approximately $4500 damages, file number provided.

1142 hours – Fire call- Owner had diesel heater and battery plugged in at same time which caused fire.

1406 hours – Dispute- Subject was angry and smashed window at family’s home, complainant didn’t want charges laid.

1438 hours – Noise Bylaw- complainant called back and noise had gone down police where no longer needed.

1456 hours – Parking bylaw- Vehicle was moved.

1511 hours- Threats- Statement was provided, still under investigation to speak with other subject.

1534 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Area searched, vehicles in area also checked no damages where noticed.

1539 hours- Suspicious Vehicle- Vehicle towed for being on City property.

1730 hours- Found Property- Exhibited in lost and found.

1734 hours- MVA Under- Wildlife accident with deer, no damage to car, deer had to be euthanized, city officials picked up deer for disposal.

1837 hours- Mischief- Approximately $1000 Damage from having front window broken, still under investigation for video of local businesses neighbouring.

1848 hours- Noise Bylaw- subject was located and given verbal warning.

2002 hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Subject to be charged with mischief, assaulting a police officer and obstruction.

2045 hours- Loud Party- Home owner was warned to keep down the noise as per bylaw regulation.

2214 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject was located and sent on his way.

2330 hours- Break and enter- Storage unit was broken into some time through the night, Secured as best as possible. Still under investigation to speak to owner.

0011 hours- Unwanted guest- Subject was located, sent on their way.

2157 hours- Suspicious person- Vehicle with subjects was located they just ran out of gas and were waiting on someone to bring gas.

0012 hours- Suspicious person- Area searched no one matching description located.

2244 hours- Unwanted guest- Subject was located and was just looking for a place to warm up.

0058 hours- Dispute- Subject charged with assault, released on undertaking.



Dispute- 4

Insecurities – 2

Well being –2

911- 9
