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Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 December 26 – 2023 December 27

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 34

0740 hours – Unwanted Guest – area checked, unable to locate.

1147 hours – Mischief –charges pending.

1311 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was sent on his way.

1338 hours – Mischief – Tires were slashed. Still under investigation.

1353 hours – Dispute – mediated.

1419 hours – Suspicious Vehicle – Reported for information purposes.

1423 hours – Well Being Check – Subject confirmed safe and no concerns.

1618 hours – Dispute – Verbal argument, mediated.

1632 hours – Concern for people on ice. Area checked, no issues.

1649 hours – Assault – Subject charged with assault.

1824 hours – Driving Impaired – Subject charged with impaired and exceed .08.

2025 hours – Unwanted Guest –charges pending for trespassing.

2148 hours – Threats/Fraud – Subject advised it is a scam and has blocked the caller.

2355 hours – Assist Locate – Subject arrived at home safe and sound.

0133 hours – Suspicious Vehicle – checked, nothing suspicious found.


911 Calls – 5
