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Morden City Council at oath of office ceremony December 22nd

2023 was full of activity in the City of Morden. Newly elected Mayor Nancy Penner said the building and rebuilding of the Alvey Street and Parkhill Drive bridges was a big accomplishment, even with the challenges the projects faced.The bridges were both damaged severely due to Spring overland flooding in 2022. 

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Parkhill Bridge on top and Alvey Bridge on the bottom. Photo taken in April 2023

"This year we had the design done, and put it to tender, and the contractors took over and it was delayed. Both Bridges took a little longer than we had had anticipated, but low and behold, just as the snow started to fly, we had the paving done on Parkhill and the bridges were open. We have to thank the community for their patience. I mean, with the Alvey Street Bridge especially, we were still trying to get the children to school. The busing was a critical issue."  

Sawatzky's Furniture allowed temporary road access from its property for those wanting to get to the other side of Alvey. Penner is grateful the bridges are back open for traffic. 

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Dignitaries gathered at the Discovery Trails School construction site at the end of February to turn the sod on the new school.

A positive working relationship with Western School Division will have a lasting effect in Morden.  

"Looking back, we were able to help the school, and their new building with the new elementary school being built, by giving them some extra land to help facilitate the building of their track. That will be a huge benefit to the community, in general, in terms of what kind of opportunities and events can be brought into the community, because that track will be built not only for the school, but for the community as a whole."  

Fundraising is still underway by the community for the new full-size track and soccer field. 

The year had its ups and downs with weather still affecting Morden's water supply.  

"Looking back, we had a good year. The weather was great during 2023. We had a great summer. We did have a dry fall, so we are conscious that we are in a Moderate Drought Stage. We are encouraged by our residents; we know we can pull up our socks when we need to and conserve water."  

On December 5th, the city activated the Drought Plan once again as lake levels dipped below average water supply levels, right now Morden is in the Moderate Drought Plan stage. 

The fall also brought the resignation of Councilor Florian Lassnig and Mayor Brandon Burley, activating a by-election held December 20th. Penner resigned her seat as councilor to run for Mayor, receiving the support of the residents in Morden.  

"We have two new council members, and we've always had a strong team on council. And I look forward as leader, now as Head of Council, to building an even stronger team as we go forward into the new year." 

Part two of this interview, "Looking Ahead to 2024 in Morden", will outline wastewater and water needs of Morden, multiple projects to support Morden's growth and Penner's number one priority coming into a new year as Head of Council.

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Author Alias