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Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 January 2 – 2024 January 3

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 45


0709 Hours- Suspicious occurrence- Area searched, no one matching description.

0738 Hours- Unwanted Guest- No description provided; area searched.

0849 Hours- Suspicious occurrence- Online reported, area searched no one matching description located.

0910 Hours- MVA – Two vehicle accident with no injuries, parties’ advice to contact SGI.

0955 Hours- Dispute- Police were dispatched to a residence, options provided, one subject left in care of Ems.

1036 Hours- MVA – Police attended to a two-vehicle accident, no injuries with two tows and one ticket issued.

1058 Hours- Dispute- Advice was given, no further police action required.

1101 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Suspicious Object and items left outside business over holidays, returned to owner.

1359 Hours- Suspicious Occurrence- Reported for informational purposes, sales add taken down shortly after.

1154 Hours- MVA- Police attended two vehicle accident requiring one tow, one ticket for fail to stop was handed out.

1203 Hours- Theft- Trailor was stolen in December all paperwork was filed for theft.

1320 Hours- Unwanted guest- Subject was located and spoken with nothing criminal.

1342 Hours- Found Property- Phone was exhibited.

1343 Hours- Parking Bylaw- Registered owner was contacted and advised of the bylaw.

1419 Hours- Parking Bylaw- Registered owner was contacted and agreed to move vehicle.

1526 Hours- Dispute- Advice was given on how to move forward, as well as other agencies that could help with situation.

1701 Hours- False 911- Young child was playing with phone and accidentally called 911. Home was attended and no safety concerns located.

1753 Hours- Alarm Call- Alarm company called back to cancel due to key holder dealing with accidental system enable.

1855 Hours- MVA- Single vehicle accident with light pole resulting in approx. $75000 damages and a tow.

1931- Unwanted Guest- Subject charged with breach of undertaking and released on an appearance notice.

1948 Hours- Dispute- Parties were separated for the night.

2036 Hours- Dispute- Statement was obtained, still under investigation for charges being laid.

2047 Hours- Dispute- Verbal argument mediated between the two parties.

2217 Hours- Fraud- Complainant was out $936 dollar from a online transaction that was fraudulent, File Number was provide and advice regarding online scams.

0016 Hours- Mischief- Front Window of business on 300 block Main Street was smashed, suspect was charged and held for court.


Suspicious Occurrence- 4

Assist another agency- 7

911- 9

Unwanted guests-5
