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Five more cold weather records were shattered Sunday, bringing the total records broken over the week in southern Saskatchewan to at least 15. 

Assiniboia’s new record for January 14 is -37.7°C, which broke the 15-year-old record of -33°C set in 2009. 

At the Kindersley Airport weather station, the mercury dropped to -43.5°C surpassing the 2020 record of -40°C. 

Leader was once again the coldest place in the province breaking their 52-year-old record of -41.7°C when the temperature fell to a bone-chilling -46.4°C. 

Lucky Lake's new record is -38.7°C which beat out the old record of -34.4°C set in 2020. 

The low temperature of -42.6°C in Maple Creek broke the 66-year-old record of -38.9°C which was set in 1958. 

This is in addition to the 10 cold weather records that were broken on Saturday

The extreme cold, which has blanketed the province – and western Canada – since last week remains in effect but is expected to shift east with warmer temperatures returning towards the end of the week. 

“It's going to be a slow climb to get up back to normal temperatures. It is extremely cold again this morning and most of the province tonight,” said Operational Meteorologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada, Kyle McAulay. 

The bitter conditions will continue in Humboldt today with a forecasted high -26°C with the windchill between -49 in the morning and -42 in the afternoon.

“By the end of the week, temperatures start climbing and we start getting into some highs in the single digits actually by the weekend and it looks like those temperatures stick around for a few days at least," noted McAulay. 

Humboldt’s forecasted high for Saturday is -14°C with Sunday is looking to be chillier at -16°C. 

Those hoping for a return to the warmer temperatures we experienced in November and December may be in luck as El Nino conditions persist. 

“Long term, the next few months, temperatures should be warmer than normal based on our climate models, and it being an El Nino year,” says McAulay. 

“There’s going to be a bit of a Ridge in the western parts of the Prairies for most of this week. Once that pattern changes, it looks like we're going to be back to the above-normal kind of temperature trend,” noted McAulay. 

(With files from DiscoverHumboldt staff)

Author Alias