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Canadian Foodgrains Bank Manitoba Rep, Gordon Janzen, shares about world hunger with participants in the Ag in the Classroom at AG DAYS

A very important initiative for Manitoba AG DAYS is bringing agriculture to life for our young people.  And one way Ag Days does this is through Agriculture in the Classroom, with junior high students have a morning tutorial on the Ag industry, and then follow a series of clues throughout the Keystone Centre in the afternoon to solve a puzzle. All the while they're learning more about all the amazing facets of the agriculture in our province, in our country, and across the globe.

"We've had a really longstanding relations with Ag in the Classroom here at Ag Days and we really see it as an opportunity to introduce youth to the exciting industry that we have here," shares Ag Days Board Member, Stephanie Cruickshanks.

"We want them to understand where their food comes from, but we also want them to understand they may be able to look to this sector for their future career goals, places to work, ways to make a difference in the world both environmentally and producing food for the world as we know."

"Over the years we've had students come from across Manitoba," she continues. "Ag in the Classroom hosts students and they take them for the morning, they fill them full of information, and then they come, and they explore all of the exciting things there at the show so that they can touch, they can feel, they can see what this industry is all about." 

"We love having the youth around," she adds. "They are curious, and we love their curiosity!"

Author Alias