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A screenshot of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce's new website.

The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce is taking on a new look. 

Recently, the Chamber of Commerce announced that they have undertaken a rebranding that includes a new logo and a new website. 

Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce CEO Prabha Ramaswamy said it had been several years since the chamber has undergone a rebrand. 

“That brand was launched about 10 years ago and a rebrand usually happens generally every seven to 10 years,” she said. 

The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce’s new website includes a resource hub and it is more seamless and easier for users to navigate. 

“What we want to do as a chamber is focus on how we can leverage the advantages and the resources that Saskatchewan has to enhance the climate for our business community and our members,” said Ramaswamy. 


At the same time, the Chamber of Commerce also unveiled its new logo.  

The logo includes different shades of green, yellow and gold to represent the prairies. It has several upward lines to signify the province’s projected growth and the work that goes beyond the borders of the province. 

According to Ramaswamy, the focus of the rebrand is to highlight Saskatchewan as a province and everything that sets us apart. 

You can find out more about the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce at https://saskchamber.com/

Author Alias