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Host Committee Chair Ernie Epp in front of a display case of art
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Host Committee Chair Ernie Epp in front of a display case of art.

The Scotties Tournament of Hearts host committee literally put the "art" into the competition, which just wrapped up on Sunday at the Access Event Centre in Morden, Man.

Chair Ernie Epp noted their theme "The Heart of Curling", was an intentional nod to Morden's passionate arts community.

"One of the things we talked about was what's going to be our theme for the Scotties, and Morden is such a sports community, and it is such an arts community, and so the culture of our community is very robust," Epp explained. "The phrase we came up with 'The Heart of Curling' where A-R-T of heart is a different colour, so the 'art' word kind of pops out on you."

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The committee partnered with the Pembina Hills Arts Council, whose local members lent their pieces to be displayed this week.

"The Access Event Center is filled with art from local artists, on the walls, all over the place," he noted. "We want the fans and the players to see another part of Morden they may not otherwise see, especially the players, because they're so focused on winning their games, but they get to at least see it as they're passing through the building."

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One of the pieces is from none other than six time Canadian Scotties champion Jennifer Jones depicting her team's Olympic gold win in 2014 in Sochi

"You know, it would have been great if she was here, and we could have her stand in front of it and get her picture, but that was not to be," Epp said. "She's one of the wild cards going to nationals already."

Some of the pieces on display by local artists are available for purchase, and if you are interested, talk to a Scotties volunteer on site.

With files from Robyn Wiebe

Author Alias