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Moose Jaw Police Service 

2024 January 26 – 2024 January 27 

0700 hours – 0700 hours 

Total Calls – 46 



0740 hours. Well Being Check. Subject was located and did not need police assistance. 

0801 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject left upon police request. 

1040 hours. Theft of Merchandise. Subject stole multiple items, still under investigation. 

1100 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Vehicle vs pole no injuries, approx. 10,000 in damage and 1 ticket issued. 

1141 hours. Theft of Merchandise. Subject stole multiple items, still under investigation. 

1215 hours. Dangerous Dog. Still under investigation. 

1304 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject arrested on outstanding warrants.  

1415 hours. Fraud. Still under investigation. 

1449 hours. Hit and Run. Complainant’s vehicle hit, approximately $5,000 in damage. 

1612 hours. Well Being Check. Subject was located and is fine. 

1624 hours. Well Being Check. Subject was located and fine.

1803 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Two vehicle collision approximately $5,000 in damages and still under investigation. 

1927 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject left upon police request. 

2112 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject left upon police request. 

0022 hours. Well Being Check. Subject was located and is fine. 

0110 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subjects left upon police request. 

0446 hours. Noise Bylaw. Subject warned under the noise bylaw. 


Warrants Executed – 1  

911 Calls – 2 

Well Being Check-4 
