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The province is taking its next step in reopenings.

At 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Manitoba's Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin and the province's Premier, Brian Pallister will sit side-by-side to announce Stage Two of Manitoba’s 4-3-2-One Great Summer’ Reopening Path.

Stage Two includes a 50 per cent or greater opening capacity for businesses, services and facilities. Gathering sizes are also expected to increase.

This is the last projected step before a full reopening.

Originally, August 2 was when the province would hit the second stage of reopenings, but with Manitobans reaching the province's vaccine goals almost a month earlier than expected, changes will come two weeks early.

The current Public Health Orders expire on Monday, August 2. Roussin would not change the health orders to match vaccination level goals earlier, saying it had not been one incubation period since the last order changes. Cases continue to lower, including hospitalizations. As of Tuesday morning, the provincial five-day test positivity rate is sitting at 4.5 per cent, and for the second day in a row, the lowest new daily cases since September were announced.

As officials prepare to announce stage two reopenings, the province is edging closer to its full reopening goals. As of Tuesday morning, 76.5 per cent of all Manitobans have received their first COVID-19 vaccine, and 57.8 per cent their second. September long weekend's targets are 80 per cent receiving their first dose and 75 their second.

A "Vax-A-Thon" opening all supersites to exclusively do all-day walk-ins on Wednesday is aimed to raise current vaccines levels.
