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Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 February 3 – 2024 February 4
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 42

0809 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject asked to leave restaurant but refused. Police attended, subject sent on their way.

0809 hours – Mischief – Subject threw brick through a window, fled scene. Subject to be located & charged with Breach & Mischief.

1109 hours – Disturbance – Subject severely intoxicated & yelling at driver. Subject was taken to hospital.

1256 hours – Theft Over – Items stolen from back of truck. Approximate value of $5500. Still under investigation for video footage.

1434 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject loitering in private property. Police attended, subject issued a ticket for trespassing.

1541 hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Three subject in a field playing with fire. Police attended & subjects warned.

1611 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject in entry way of building. Police attended, subject arrested on warrants & held for court.

1651 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject smoking in vestibule. Police attended, subject charged with Breach.

1705 hours – Assault – Complainant physically assaulted. Subject to be charged with assault.

1822 hours – Theft Under – Subject stole consumable goods. Still under investigation, charges pending.

2107 hours – Driving Impaired – Subject charged with impaired driving, vehicle seized.

2306 hours – Driving Impaired – Subject charged with impaired driving, vehicle seized for 60 days.

0039 hours – Driving Impaired – Subject charged with refusal.

0117 hours – Threats – Subject uttering threats after receiving a noise complaint. Subject issued ticket.


Assist another agency- 1
911- 6
Warrant Executed – 2
Breach of Court Order – 1
